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The Bookshelf

When thinking about my grandpa, I was reminded so vividly that what I do now matters. My grandpa and I Christmas of 1984. When I was a...


On the road, we had VERY little interaction with service providers or companies on a regular basis. We were not committed to any business...

Having a child will change everything!

We agree it changes a lot, but not everything. With news of a baby on the way, we planned to settle down. We searched for a home that we...

Just Be Held

Did we ever mention what visiting people was like when we traveled in a van? We were invited to stay in the homes of our loved ones....

No More! Challenging My Expectations.

Before the due date of our child, our midwife sat down with us and asked us a lot of questions. Do you want medication for pain? Who is...


We learned a lot from spending time with our families while traveling. A favorite lesson was one about family competition. In one of our...

Our Days are Changing

Our time looks very different than it has in the past. We haven't been camping. We haven't gone out for hikes. We haven't been going out...

It's Friday!

Friday seems to be a very celebrated day. TGIF. Is there a reason you do what you do all week long? For the 2 years before traveling,...

Living Life One Season at a Time

Our season of life has excitement, new roles, uncertainty, and some longing. We are thrilled to share a picture of our healthy Sweet...

Welcoming Change in 2018

January has been a month full of decisions! (Neither of us would say it has been our favorite thing to do.) Our original plan was to...

Live with Wide Margins

Life is full of plans and schedules. We write it out and try to execute it all. How full that page of activities are is mostly up to the...

Battling Low Self-Esteem

When my self-confidence is so fragile, how can I find contentment in my days? THE BATTLE My self-esteem fight comes partly from when I...

Today. Be all here.

Whatever happens tomorrow, or for the rest of my life, I'm happy now. -Phil Connors in Groundhog Day. In my first year of college (circa...

More flower pictures, really?!?!

Remember the days when the only 'save' option in a camera was film? What I chose to fill up my 110 with were faces of friends and family,...

I'm Busy

Rest is very important to us on a nightly basis and on our days off. While society says go there | watch this | buy that, we take it...

Choose Love

This theme keeps nudging at me. I don't have a limited amount to give. I don't need to hold it back for special occasions or specific...


Without mentioning any state or region when meeting people as we travel, I'm often pegged as a Minnesotan. "Are you from...

April showers bring May flowers.

The May Day sky over Maine is dark and grey. The clouds are drizzling over us like flour through a sieve, which sent me to seek out new...

Traveling Thank Yous

If it will be a year that we travel the US without jobs, we are reaching the 3/4 point. It has been a very rewarding decision to make the...

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