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  • Laurel

Our Days are Changing

Our time looks very different than it has in the past.

We haven't been camping.

We haven't gone out for hikes.

We haven't been going out for weekend adventures.

We haven't been drinking beer on a deck at the end of a work day.

We put in some time cleaning and working on little things around our new home and then we rest.

That's what's different.

Rest. Many tell us we won't have much of it soon. The 'schedule' says the little one will join us in a month and a half. While I'm excited to meet that sweet face and not have my bladder used as a dance floor, this time has been precious. Every step is new. Details are unknown. Nate has continued to decide to keep the gender unknown even though we have photo evidence in an envelope. It's exciting to wonder and dream about another piece of the life growing inside! I love his decision.

Rest. After a full day of work, we often choose rest. It isn't easy to come home and work on our property goals all night long. It isn't our way of living. Our dreams run so much faster than our own legs and hands can move. Maybe that's okay. It's starting to feel like a never-ending to do list in my head that I'd like to reframe as a dream list so the internal guilt goes away when not working on it every second. Most of you reading understand how much I love crossing things off a list. ;-)

How we choose to spend our time will continue to change as we figure out what is most important in this new stage of home/land ownership and parenthood.

Here's to change!

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